Scholarship policy

1. Definitions

  • Scholarship: These are university tuition fees including tuition fees, books and academic services
  • Additional privileges: These are other services provided to students, including
  • Monthly financial stipend
  • Free university accommodation
  • Free transport
  •  Free parking
  • An on-campus clinic
  • A sports club
  • Travel tickets for students
  • Health insurance for scholarship students and those of similar status
  • The University Board of Trustees determines, before the beginning of each academic year, the conditions for the scholarship and additional privileges for students

2. Policies

1. Scholarships policy

  • Local student registered at the university obtain a full scholarship during the study period
  • Grants are based on university registration, so in case of suspension or dismissal, the scholarship will be suspended

2. Additional priveleges policy

  • A monthly grant is paid to Emirati undergraduate students registered at the university, except for students on scholarships from the General Command of the Armed Forces
  • The monthly stipend is paid for a period of four years, starting from the first academic year and ending with completing the graduation requirements at the end of the spring semester or the end of the summer semester of the fourth year.
  • The monthly grant is not paid in the event admission postponing or discontinuation of studies for any reason, and the period of postponement or withdrawal from studies is not counted within the four-year period determined for the disbursement of this grant

The monthly grant is paid according based on the student’s semester average as follows:

  • –The full monthly grant is paid if the student receives a semester average equal to or greater than 80%
  • – 75% of the monthly grant is be spent if the student gets a semester average of 60% and less than 80%
  •  – 50% of the monthly bonus will be spent if the student gets a semester average of less than 60%, and in the event of raising the GPA in the next semester to 60% or more, the student will receive the monthly bonus according to the previous conditions
    • If the student’s semester average falls below 60% for the second time, the reward will be withheld completely, and if the semester average in the next semester is raised to 60% or more, the student will receive the monthly reward according to the previous conditions
    • The monthly bonus is deducted in cases of academic and educational misconduct, such as unjustified absence, loss of university card, loss of the internal residence key at the university, the destruction of public or private property, loss of email password, etc.
  • For the purposes of deduction from the grant, the absence will be counted for a full day
  • A committee appointed by the President of the University decides on special cases that are not mentioned in this policy