Bachelor of Social Studies in Tolerance and Peace

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Program Overview

The program offers students the opportunity to gain a deep and comprehensive understanding of a wide range of pressing social issues, with a focus on the concepts of tolerance and peace. It aims to equip them with the ability to develop and implement policies and programs that enhance quality of life, promote social justice, address global challenges, foster cultural understanding, and develop innovative solutions to social issues. This enables students to make a positive and sustainable impact in their communities.

The program seeks to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand, analyze, and apply the concepts, principles, and values of tolerance and peace in society. It emphasizes the study of social and cultural aspects that contribute to building and strengthening a culture of tolerance and peace. Additionally, it aims to prepare highly qualified professionals with integrated academic and practical competencies to promote a culture of tolerance and coexistence and contribute positively and constructively to sustainable social development.

Course Code

and Number

Course C.H Prerequisite Study Mode Course Code

and Number

Course C.H Prerequisite Study Mode
First year
Semester 1 Semester 2
SSTU101 Sheikh Zayed’s Legacy and Peaceful Coexistence in the UAE 3 Remote ISLU105 Introduction to the Science of the Qur’an 3 In Person
ENGU101 English Language 1 3 In Person ISLU100 Islamic Culture 3 Remote
ARAU100 Syntax and Morphology 1 3 In Person RSCU100 Research and Innovation Methods 3 In Person
SSTU100 Emirati Society and National Identity 3 Remote NASU100 Natural Sciences 3 In Person
SOCU101 Introduction to the Humanities 3 In Person ECOU100 Principles of Economics 3 In Person
Second year
Semester 3 Semester 4
INVU100 Fundamentals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship E 3 In Person ICTU100 Artificial Intelligence 3 In Person
CSS201 Sociology 3 Remote SST204 History of Religions 3 In Person
CSS202 Psychology 3 In Person SST220 Anthropology 3 In Person
ENGU102 English Language 2 3 ENGU101 In Person SST208 Social Texts (in English) 3 ENGU102 In Person
Elective course 3 CSS206 Sociology of Culture 3 In Person
Third year
Semester 5 Semester 6
SST303 Social Psychology 3 In Person SST302 Sociology of Religion 3 CSS201 In Person
SST305 Ethics of Tolerance in World Cultures 3 Remote SST304 History of Social Thought 3 CSS201 In Person
SST307 Tolerance in Abrahamic Religions 3 SST204 In Person SST321 Introduction to International Humanitarian Law (in English) 3 ENGU102 In Person
SST310 Family Sociology 3 CSS201 In Person SST306 Social Theories 3 CSS201 In Person
SST309 Logic and Critical Thinking 3 In Person PHI308 Towards a Contemporary Emirati Philosophy 3 In Person
Elective course 3 Elective course 3
Fourth year
Semester 7 Semester 8
SST401 Socialization for Tolerance and Peace 3 In Person CSS495 Graduation Project 3 In Person
SST403 Terms of Tolerance and Peace (in English) 3 ENGU102 In Person CSS496 Internship 3 In Person
SST405 Tolerance and Social Cohesion 3 In Person  
PHI303 Philosophy of Religion 3 In Person
SST409 Studies in Citizenship, Tolerance, and Peace 3 In Person
SST410 Sociology of Knowledge 3 In Person


Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities

College: Social and Human Sciences

Bachelor’s Program in Social Studies in Tolerance and Peace (120 Credit Hours)

Course Code and Number Course C.H Prerequisite Study Mode
First: University Core – 39 Credit Hours
SSTU101 Sheikh Zayed’s Legacy and Peaceful Coexistence in the UAE 3 Remote
ENGU101 English Language 1 3 In Person
ARAU100 Syntax and Morphology 1 3 In Person
SOCU101 Introduction to the Humanities 3 In Person
ISLU100 Islamic Culture 3 Remote
INVU100 Fundamentals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship E 3 In Person
ISLU105 Introduction to the Science of the Qur’an 3 In Person
RSCU100 Research and Innovation Methods 3 In Person
SSTU100 Emirati Society and National Identity 3 Remote
ECOU100 Principles of Economics 3 In Person
ENGU102 English Language 1 3 ENGU101 In Person
ICTU100 Artificial Intelligence 3 In Person
NASU100 Natural Sciences 3 In Person
Second: College Requirements – 12 Credit Hours
CSS201 Sociology 3 Remote
CSS202 Psychology 3 In Person
SST309 Logic and Critical Thinking 3 In Person
SST204 History of Religions 3 In Person
Third: College Electives – 9 Credit Hours
SST308 Human Values in World Literature 3 Remote
PHI 128 Islamic Philosophy 3 In Person
CSS203 Intellectual Security 3 In Person
CSS305 Learning Theories and Their Educational Applications 3 Remote
SST203 Principles of Statistics 3 In Person
Fourth: Major Requirements – 60 Credit Hours
SST303 Social Psychology 3 In Person
SST302 Sociology of Religion 3 CSS201 In Person
SST305 Ethics of Tolerance in World Cultures 3 Remote
SST401 Socialization for Tolerance and Peace 3 In Person
SST304 History of Social Thought 3 CSS201 In Person
SST403 Terms of Tolerance and Peace (in English) 3 ENGU102 In Person
SST405 Tolerance and Social Cohesion 3 In Person
SST321 Introduction to International Humanitarian Law (in English) 3 ENGU102 In Person
CSS206 Sociology of Culture 3 In Person
SST220 Anthropology 3 In Person
PHI303 Philosophy of Religion 3 In Person
SST410 Sociology of Knowledge 3 In Person
SST409 Studies in Citizenship, Tolerance, and Peace 3 In Person
SST310 Family Sociology 3 CSS201 In Person
SST208 Social Texts (in English) 3 ENGU102 In Person
PHI308 Towards a Contemporary Emirati Philosophy 3 In Person
SST307 Tolerance in Abrahamic Religions 3 SST204 In Person
SST306 Social Theories 3 CSS201 In Person
CSS495 Graduation Project 3 In Person
CSS496 Internship 3 In Person

1. Understand relevant social science concepts and theories.

2. Analyse social phenomena objectively, scientifically and critically.

3. Interpret concepts, knowledge and theories within tolerance and peace studies.

4. Be trained in critical and innovative thinking to address social, political and cultural challenges.

5. Acquire broad knowledge of cultural and social engagements that affect tolerance and peaceful co-existence.

6. Apply skills in creating innovative solutions to social challenges linked to hate, extremism, violence, and other social ills.

7. Understand human rights and international laws related to tolerance and peace.

8. Write a research paper based on a solid science-based methodology.