Master of Jurisprudence of Legal Discourse

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Study Plan:
Course No.Course NameCredit HoursPre-requisiteStudy System
First: Compulsory Courses (33 Credit Hours)
0903730Jurisprudence on Emerging Issues3Physical Attendance
0902730Contemporary Jurisprudence Issues3Remote Learning
0902740Fundamental Issues3Physical Attendance
0902731Medical Issues3Physical Attendance
0902732Reasoning with Rules3Physical Attendance
0902733Contemporary Financial Transactions3Remote Learning
0902750Knowledge Sources and Scientific Research Methodologies3Remote Learning
0902734Jurisprudence Theories3Physical Attendance
0902741Purposes of Islamic Law and Consideration of Independent Judgment (Ijtihad)3Physical Attendance
0901710Quranic Studies3Remote Learning
0902742Scriptural Texts Understanding Methodology3Physical Attendance
Second: Elective Courses (6 Credit Hours)
0401710Scriptural Texts and Terms in English3Remote Learning
0902736Tolerance Discourse in Islam3Physical Attendance
0902751Knowledge and Science Value in Islam3Remote Learning
0902735Peace and Citizenship Jurisprudence3Remote Learning
Third: Thesis (9 Credit Hours)




Program Information:
  • Program Name: Master of Jurisprudence of Legal Discourse
  • Program Code: 210
  • Program Initial Approval Date: 24 May 2021
  • Program Providing Entity: College of Islamic Studies
  • Program Duration: (4) Four Semesters
  • Program Hours: (48) credit hours
  • Total Number of Modules: (13) modules
Master Degree Program Admission Requirements:
  • The student’s average in the bachelor’s degree or its equivalent must be “very good” and above.
  • The bachelor’s certificate shall be issued by a recognized university.
  • The student’s university certificate shall be in a qualifying subject for the specialization he is applying to join.
  • To pass a written exam and a personal interview before the Scientific Committee.
The student shall meet the following requirements to be admitted finally at the end of the first semester:
  • A minimum average of (3) in the semester average.
  • A minimum score of (1400) points in the Emirates Standardized Test (EMSAT) in Arabic language, and a minimum score of (1250) points in English or its equivalent in other standardized tests (IETLS, TOEFL …).
  • A minimum score of (700) points in the Emirates Standardized Test (EMSAT) in mathematics.
Fulfillment of Graduation Requirements:
  • The master program is deemed fulfilled upon finalizing all courses of the program, including the thesis.
  • The student shall acquire an accumulative average of (3,00).
  • To fulfill the required period to get the degree without exceeding the maximum limit.
Course Completion
  • The course is completed with a mark of (2.00) at least.
  • Master degree is awarded in the university in one of the following averages:
3.70 – 4.00Excellent
3.00 – less than – 3.70Very Good
Study System
  • The study system of the program is the credit hours system, and teaching shall be during the academic week days only, i.e., from Monday to Friday.
  • The program is presented in the blended study system in accordance with the academic accreditation standards of the Ministry of Education in the United Arab Emirates.
Minimum and maximum academic load for the student

The student’s academic load in one semester ranges between (9) credit hours as a minimum and (12) credit hours as a maximum.

Program Objectives:

The thesis of the master program is intended to form a distinguished Islamic personality with a deep understanding of Islam, in accordance with the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah, and to prepare the specialized researchers in these disciplines to satisfy the community needs.

To promote the student’s scientific and knowledge background, and help him master scientific research methods, causes, and targets, referring to the original sources and the contemporary principal legislative sources, in terms of stability and flexibility, which constitutes the validity of our Sharia for every time and place, coinciding with the requirements of each era.

Program Outcomes

1- Acquire an applicable theoretical knowledge, to help him attain the appropriate solutions for the contemporary issues.

2- Demonstrate communication and interaction abilities with the local and foreign communities utilizing various tools.

3- Master the skills of research, critical thinking and analysis, along with the relentless pursuit towards career development and continuous learning.

4- Possess skills in jurisprudence management, without prejudice to the values ​​of flexibility, moderation, and temperance.

5- Acquire public speaking and persuasion skills to develop a moderate personality in his thinking and conduct, and balanced in the discourse and formulation.

6- Demonstrate management capabilities of tasks and positive adaption with his job environment.

7- Be able to influence the thoughts of others utilizing the scientific evidences and methodology apart from any exaggeration.

8- Be qualified to issue independent judgments in the disputes and issues that occur in society and to clarify their provisions as per Sharia purposes and rules of fatwas.

9 Be able to explain the reality of religion, in both of theology and Islamic law, correct the misconceptions regarding Islam, and refute any suspicions.

10- Add to the scientific treasure of Sharia Sciences of the Muslim scholars.

Alignment between the program learning outcomes and the National Qualification System (NQS)

The program outcomes have been aligned with the National Qualification System (NQS) of the United Arab Emirates

  Strand Statement  Program Learning Outcomes
KnowledgeA comprehensive and highly specialized knowledge in a particular knowledge discipline or specialization and/or professional practice, in connection with various knowledge discipline, including the recent concepts and new cognitive developments*
An advanced knowledge of applied research principles and methodologies**
Critical awareness of the cognitive issues as a basis for original thinking, which includes appropriate research processes and modern processes for knowledge production***
Accurate knowledge of the recent developments in a particular knowledge discipline and/or field*
SkillsAdvanced skills required in research, analysis, evaluation and/or creation of complex ideas, information, concepts, and/or activities***
Skills to develop new knowledge or to integrate knowledge from different fields using highly developed cognitive and creative skills with intellectual independence in the cognitive or specialization fields***
Advanced problem-solving skills that can be employed in analyzing very complex issues based on data that may be incomplete, or in developing innovative solutions related to a professional or academic field, cognitive or specialization fields that require special skills to develop and apply a huge project or similar activities (that include significant variables and complexity) to accurately selected research methodologies that reach logical conclusions*******
Very advanced and specialized ICT skills to present, explain and/or criticize highly complex topics**
Autonomy and ResponsibilityAbility to operate independently and/or take responsibility for managing professional practices, processes, or systems and educational contexts that are very complex, unpredictable and unfamiliar, that require new approaches and/or introductions or conceptual or abstract solutions**
Ability to control of managing a high level of processes and systems**
The ability to analyze and think about the criteria and socio-cultural relations and to work towards their construction and circulation***
Integration into ContextAbility to take initiative and manage professional activities that may include a highly complex environment**
Ability to take responsibility for driving strategic performance and self-development along with the work team*
Self-developmentThe ability of self-evaluation and taking responsibility for contributing to the professional knowledge and practice that include unfamiliar educational contexts***
The possibility of developing and implementing other principles continuously**
The possibility to continuously deal with highly complex ethical issues that lead to reasoned, right and fair decisions***
Employment Opportunities

A graduate of the program is qualified to work in various institutions, including:

  • General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments
  • Fatwa Center
  • Research under the supervision of the Authority.
    • Research under the supervision of the UAE Council for Fatwa
    • Supervising Quran Memorization Centers.
    • Mentoring the actors in the religious field of muftis, imams, and preachers.
  • Justice and judiciary professions.
  • Educational professions
    • Teaching in educational institutions.
    • Teaching and research in the higher education institutions.
    • Ministry of Tolerance
    • Al Muwatta Centre
    • Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies & Research
    • Zayed House for Islamic Culture.