Students rights and obligations

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Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities is aware of its responsibility to support and uphold fundamental freedoms and citizenship rights for all students. In this context, students’ rights are
Classrooms and the library are the main components of the educational environment in the university, so the faculty must work to promote and encourage these educational places. In order to clarify the meaning of the student’s right to the classroom and other elements of the educational environment, there are some formulations and definitions, including the following

  • Benefiting from educational staff, classrooms, library, activities and other necessary resources for the educational process.
  • Benefiting from academic advising to meet the requirements that qualify the student to obtain a degree and graduate from the university.
  • Education in an environment that ensures self-expression.
  • Access to electronic resources and teaching materials.
  • The freedom to address issues and ask questions during class discussions and dialogues, to raise inquiries and logical doubts regarding all the information presented, and to put forward alternative opinions.
  • The right to be evaluated for tasks and achievements based on objective, academic criteria.
  • The right to study, work and interact in a professional environment, with full confidence and mutual respect, without transcending the normal limits of morality.
  • Students have the right to study, work and interact in an environment free from segregation that is illegal or against the university’s policy.
  • The university has no right to deprive any person of taking part in its programs or activities.
  • Students have the right to live in an environment free from racial behavior in any building or site on campus. Racist behavior is defined as behavior that targets a person on the basis of age, color, disability, race, gender, marital status, nationality, religion, or occupational status that would negatively affect the conditions for the individual’s exercise of the right to education, housing and participation in university activities; affects education circumstances, participation in university activities; or aims to spread fear and hostility and create an environment that disrupts academic studies or involvement in university activities

Students expect to have their academic records and to have the right to deal with them consistently with the university policy. They are entitled to benefit from all the services, resources, references, and facilities available at the university.

  • Students have the right to contribute to shaping institutional policy that generally related to academic and social affairs and affects them.
  • Students have the right to participate in setting standards for student behavior and disciplinary regulatory procedures, as members of the relevant committees such as the Student Council and the Disciplinary Council. Students have the right to be represented under the university’s authority.
  • Students have the right to participate at the reviewing and developing of academic programs through questionnaires during their evaluation of courses.

The university abides by the laws of the United Arab Emirates concerning health insurance, as the university provides health insurance services for its sponsored and guarded students. It provides a 24/7 health clinic.


After officially registering, students receive a student card that proves their affiliation with the university. They must show it in all university facilities such as the library. When it is lost or stolen, it must be reported immediately to the Academic Affairs Department to obtain a replacement card, with an amount of (fifty dirhams) for renewal.


Newsletters written and edited by students themselves are considered the finest form of self-expression. Newsletters express the feelings and concerns of their writers. They also express the extent of cooperation and awareness of educational and social issues that affect the life of the university student.
Such publications enable students to pursue developing their creativity without sacrificing the seriousness and rigor of academic courses. They also represent their response and interaction with the knowledge they acquired through creativity, innovation, and experience.


The university values organized student activities. They take part and parcel of the academic programs.
Organizational student activities enrich educational expertise and practices. In addition, these activities develop students’ social interaction skills, indispensable to the life of the individual, especially in multicultural environments. Accordingly, the Student Council is established implementing the provisions of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Decision (No. 334) for the year 2011. The following articles specify the provisions for its organization in accordance with the ministerial decision in this regard.

The university may establish a student council representing all students, and committed to achieving the goals set forth below. The term of membership in this council shall be one academic year

    • The Student Council shall realize the following.
    • Facilitating introducing new students to the and university campus.
    • Linking the students with the administration to serve students, raise their issues, and defend their viewpoints before the administration.
    • Enhancing the spirit of involvement, collective work and cooperation between the students, the administration, faculty and university staff.
    • Representing students in other educational institutions student gatherings.
    • Nurturing national awareness and a spirit of belonging, and responsibility.
    • Developing an awareness of moral values.
    • Raising intellectual, social, physical and artistic life standards.
    • Revealing student talents and skills and developing their creativity.
    • The Student Council consists of seven members chosen by the university students through a committee formed by the Chancellor’s decision or whomever he delegates. The Council consists of faculty members.
    • The Council is in charge of the following:
    • Setting, reviewing and amending the internal regulations of the council in coordination with the university administration.
    • Approving and supervising the implementation of the work schedules of the various committees.
    • Coordinating tasks among the Council committees in the same university or with other educational institutions.
    • Coordinating work with the internal institutions in the country if needed.
    • Supervising the tasks of the Council committees and their their compliance with the general terms and conditions of the Council and taking the necessary approvals and permits.
    • Reporting committee work to the university administration for information and guidance.
    • Candidates for student Council membership are required to:
    • Be among the regular students at university
    • Be no less than 18 years of age.
    • Have a good reputation.
    • Have never been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor that violates honor or integrity, unless rehabilitated.
    • The Student Council elects, at its first meeting, by an absolute majority of its members, a president, vice president and rapporteur from among the members who hold the nationality of the state. The election session is chaired by the president and vice president, the oldest members. The vice president shall replace the president in his absence. The president of the Student Council represents the Council before the educational institution.
    • For valid council conventions, the majority of its members must attend. The council meets at the invitation of its president or the university president at least once every month, and the council issues its recommendations by the majority. In case of a tie, the side of the council’s president shall prevail
      The Council recommendations are not valid except after the university administration’s approval. The Council cannot hold symposiums, conferences, meetings, activities or any of the sort except after the administration’s approval.
    • The Student Council shall embrace sub-committees to carry out the assigned tasks by the Council. Among the committees, there shall be: a sports committee, a cultural committee, a public relations and media committee, a technical affairs committee, a public services committee, a social activity and trips committee, and a scientific and technological activity committee.
    • The sub-committee is composed of a chairperson and a vice-president elected by the council from among its members, and four members from the university students chosen by the institution’s management based on a nomination by the student council.
    • The sub-committees shall have the following tasks:
    • The Sports Committee: It is concerned with organizing and encouraging the organisation of activities, forming sports teams, and organising sports matches and competitions with the aim of developing sports talents.
    • The Cultural Committee: It is concerned with organizing aspects of cultural activity, raising awareness of the nation’s issues and developing students’ creative and cultural potential.
    • Public Relations and Media Committee: It is concerned with organizing aspects of media activities and public relations, and developing students’ creative, informational and artistic capacities.


  • Public Services Committee: It is concerned with participating in public service projects and implementing related programs to serve the environment and society.
  • Social Activity and Excursions Committee: It is concerned with organizing trips and social, cultural and entertainment activities with the aim of developing social ties and spreading the spirit of cooperation between students, faculty members and workers.
  • Scientific and Technological Activity Committee: It is concerned with organizing seminars and lectures aimed at developing scientific and technological capabilities, spreading, producing and applying knowledge via science clubs and scientific and academic societies.
  • It is allowed to merge more than one of the committees mentioned in this context, on the condition that they do not deviate from their objectives set forth.
  • The student council’s financial resources stem from university allocations.
  • Budget spending is subject to the rules and the regulatory framework in place.
  • The Council shall maintain at its headquarters its records, books, editionsand prints as follows:
  • Records of members and their contributions.
  • Records of administrative committee meeting reports.
  • Supported income and expense books.
  • The Council’s books, records and prints should include the Council’s name The Council shall hold a public meeting open to all students at the end of the school year to report on its work and achievements during the year.
  • Anyone who violates the provisions of the Student Council shall be excluded by a decision by the University Chancellor from the Student Council or its subcommittees, without prejudice to the university’s right to be disciplined in compliance with the system in place at the university.


  • تتم أنشطة الطلاب تحت إشراف مدير شؤون الطلاب.
  • لتنظيم الأنشطة الطلابية يتم تشكيل منظمة طلابية وهي “مجلس الطلاب” في بداية فترة فصل الخريف الدراسية من نفس السنة الدراسية، ويحق لأي طالب متوسط تقديره العام (جيد) ودرس بالجامعة سنة دراسية على الأقل أن يترشح للعضوية.
  • يتم انتخاب الأعضاء من بين كل الجنسيات تقريباً الموجودة بالجامعة ودون تفرقة بسبب اللون أو المذهب أو الدين أو النوع.
  • لابد من وجود أحد أعضاء الهيئة التعليمية في كل لجنة كمستشار.
  • يساعد مجلس الطلاب أعضاء آخرون من المجتمع الطلابي كأعضاء باللجان المساندة.
  • الأمين العام هو رئيس المجلس الطلابي، وأمين الصندوق هو مسؤول عن الأمور المالية للمجلس، ويعمل بقية الأعضاء كل في لجنته وتحت الإشراف الدقيق للأمين العام للمجلس.
  • يقوم مدير الجامعة باعتماد الميزانية المالية للمجلس الطلابي في بداية كل عام ويراقبها مدير شؤون الطلاب.
  • كل من يرغب في الاستقالة عليه تقديم الاستقالة كتابة، وبعدها يمكن اختيار بديل له من بين الطلاب.
  • ضرورة حضور الاجتماعات المنتظمة للمجلس.
  • في حالة عدم قدرة العضو حضور الاجتماعات، فعليه أن يبلغ مسبقاً الأمين العام أو رئيس اللجنة.
  • من لا يتمكن من الحضور ثلاثة اجتماعات متتالية (دون عذر) يطلب منه الانسحاب من عضوية المجلس ليحل محله عضو آخر، وفي هذه الحالة يقوم الأمين العام بإخطار مدير شؤون الطلاب كتابة لاتخاذ الإجراء اللازم.
  • على رؤساء اللجان تسجيل وقائع كل الاجتماعات وتسجيل أسماء الأعضاء الحاضرين.
  • من يرغب في التقدم بشكوى ضد أعضاء المجلس أو ضد رئيس اللجنة عليه رفعها كتابة لمدير شؤون الطلاب شارحاً كل الظروف ومقدماً أسبابه وأدلة شكواه والاستشهاد بإثنين (أحدهما عضو بالمجلس). سيتم النظر في الشكوى حسب الاستحقاق وستبلغ الأطراف المعنية بالقرار.